The Shrike stabs its prey on a thorn

12th May 2016
Today I saw a shrike (Lanius excubitor) nowadays called southern shrike (Lanius meridionalis) at the entrance of the Ruta del Agua in Adra perched on a bush as you can see in the photo.



One of the most peculiar characteristics of this small predatory bird is that, once hunting their prey, they stabs it in thorns, the thorns of a wild rose in barbed wire, sharp branches of hawthorn and blackthorn, thus meets a good use for food pantry later. It is an extraordinary hunter that can capture from a mouse that exceeds him by weight until insects. Usually hunt small birds, large insects, little mice and rodents in general, lizards and even small lizards.

It is also an imitator in the sense that mimics the song of other birds to try to attract them to where he is as a lure. Easily imitates singing goldfinches, tits, linnets… Repeats perfectly what is called «la voz de contacto» that gives sense of tranquility to the birds that aims to hunt. Its notes are alluringly gentle. And, when trusted, it launches on them mercilessly.

During the summer, the shrike prefer insects medium or large (eg grasshoppers) and in the winter they eat larger preys (mice, shrews, voles). They are sedentary.

It is believed impaling prey on thorns as this by not having claws that catch their prey while eating, the subject well and kills them, and also are fixed to act more comfortably when fed tearing flesh or separating the hard parts that do not consume. On the other hand the fact impaling dams also serves to have a place like pantry and so does not have to consume the food immediately, when hungry will have somewhere to turn. Pantries uses especially in winter and breeding season where chopped prey to feed the hungry chicks.

Moreover it is noteworthy peak shape the shrike. The shrike has a strong, hooked beak like that of a bird of prey and uses it as a tool for cutting.

Choose high places to roost as cables, or the upper branches of gorse and other shrubs to spot potential victims. Stalking peering from a dominant place.


It is easy to recognize with the head and back of leaden gray. And it is very striking his broad black mask. Long tail and black wings with a white spot feature on the wings. Male and female they look the same. It is located in all over Spain. Reproduction in Spain is in March-April. It is a bird that usually use the same tree to build their nests each year.





Foto superior:artículo publicado en el ideal de Almería en los años 80 acerca de la localización de las dos especies de Alcaudón en algunas zonas de Adra y alrededores.

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